How To Eat More Fruit & Vegetables

Did you know that in 2022 the Australian Bureau of Statistics recorded that 94% of Australian adults aren’t meeting their daily fruit and vegetable requirements?

If you are among the few 6% that consistently enjoy your daily fruit and veg, nice work! However, what clearly needs addressing is those who aren’t meeting their daily requirements. Perhaps there are a few reasons for this including…

▪️ Identifying as someone who likes fruit and vegetables
▪️ Having a daily plan in place to meet requirements
▪️ Understanding what a serving of fruit and veg is
▪️ Developing habits so that all meals/snacks are themed by a fruit or veg component
▪️ Learning to prepare and cook fruit and vegetables in ways you enjoy
▪️ Navigating finances when it comes to fruit & veg

As illustrated by the infographic above, daily fruit and vegetable requirements for Australian adults are 300g and 375-450g respectively. Bear in mind these are minimum requirements, which implies that it is perfectly healthy to exceed these values.

Also, as the infographic illustrates, portion size matters. What constitutes meeting these values will be far more than a piece of lettuce in a burger, or a few raisins in your bread. Rather, 300g of fruit could equate to a cup of berries and large banana, and 450g veg could be a combination of salad ingredients, including legumes and potatoes.

We understand that fruit and vegetables can seem pricey at times, however there are strategies to navigate this. For example, purchasing vegetables frozen opposed to fresh can result in a dramatic price decrease, PLUS they could in some instances be even more nutrient dense! Canned fruit and vegetables are the same, as canned beans, lentils, corn, beetroot and the like are all relatively cheap and nutritious options. Shopping at discount grocers opposed to large supermarket chains can also provide a cost relief, especially if produce is purchased in-season.

Let us know, what strategies have you used to ensure you hit your daily 2 n’ 5?