Are You Ready for Competition? The Ultimate Prep Checklist For Success

Despite kicking-off prep with good intentions and immense excitement, there are a number of reasons why a competitor’s journey can quickly go south if they aren’t prepared…

Swipe to # 3 and 5 and 7 to read how this can especially hit home…

Choosing to compete is a big decision and it’s important to not undertake it on a whim. Particularly for first-timers - the experience you have during your first comp prep can leave a long-lasting impression on how you feel about the sport of bodybuilding as a whole.

To avoid being left with a sour taste in your mouth post-show and being able to continue enjoying and respecting the sport indefinitely, do the due-diligence of competing when you’re TRULY ready and can satisfy all of the points written in this post.

As the saying goes “the stage will always be there” - so step up to the rewarding challenges of prep when it’s guaranteed to be a smooth and enjoyable journey to celebrate show day!

Let us know, do you think the majority of athletes who compete are truly prepared for the highs and lows of prep?