Your Macro Cheat Sheet: Build Your Perfect Plate Every Time

We’ve all been in that position before… trying to create a well-balanced meal with an appropriate ratio of nutritious protein, carbohydrate and fat sources… yet we’re scratching our head with confusion in the process.

This is where education comes to the rescue so save this post for future reference!

Having a decent understanding of the nutritional make-up of various foods can honestly act as a cheat-code for life when you’re deciding what and how much to eat.

No matter if this is a situation where you’re preparing food for yourself at home, serving yourself a plate of food at an event, or ordering a meal from a restaurant. Knowing which specific foods are considered as “good” sources of protein, carbohydrates and fats, OR a combination of these, can assist you in making a decision that aligns with your health, fitness ,and physique goals!

Another valuable perk of having decent nutritional literacy in terms of macros is that it can also encourage you to have more dietary diversity day-to-day. For example, if you have set macronutrient targets for carbohydrate intake, and you understand that there are a wealth of foods beyond just bananas, sweet potatoes and rice that contain carbs… then this can encourage you to include a much larger variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet.

Another benefit of macro-awareness is understanding certain foods that are touted as “good” sources of a single macronutrient ALSO contain a decent amount of another macronutrient. For example, salmon and eggs are often preached to be high sources of protein, (WHICH THEY ARE). However they also have a near 1:1 ratio of dietary protein:dietary fat - which can significantly influence the calorie content, rate of digestion, and level of satiation associated with a meal.

Knowledge is power when it comes to food, because we are all faced with decisions on what and how much to eat multiple times per day, every day of our lives! Therefore, the foods and their quantities that you decide to eat routinely will compound to influence your overall health and physique - so invest in your education and make choices that align with your goals to make you feel your BEST!