Your Guide To Protein

We’re sure you’ve all heard the claim “There are numerous benefits to following a moderately-high protein diet!” However, the question is… how much protein does this equate to? Which foods are high-quality sources of protein? How should you distribute your protein intake throughout the day?

The above infographic aims to simplify the answers to these questions!

Protein Intake: Aim to consume a total of 1.6-2.4g/kg of protein per day. For a 75kg individual this would equate to 120 – 180 grams of protein/day.

Protein Quality: It’s recommended that you consume the majority of your protein through high-biological value (HBV) sources, meaning they contain all essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to stimulate muscle protein synthesis (MPS), and provide a minimum of 2g of the amino acid leucine per serve. Animal protein sources will satisfy these requirements, however it’s recommended that plant sources are combined to create a complete amino acid profile (for example brown rice, peas and beans) *PDCAA = Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score

Protein Distribution: It’s recommended to evenly space protein intake throughout the day between 3-5 meals/snacks, and consume 0.4-0.55g/kg of an HBV protein source at each eating period. For a 75kg individual, this would equate to 30-41g of HBV protein. An even distribution throughout the day will assist in stimulating MPS in a pulsatile fashion which will contribute to hypertrophy and recovery and will assist with satiation and sustained energy levels throughout the day! It’s also recommended to consume peri-workout meals within 4-6 hours of one another to support performance and recovery.

Let us know, do you apply these principles of sports nutrition when it comes to protein intake? Do you have any further questions on protein?