Which Foods Are "Good" Sources Of Protein?

How protein-rich are your protein sources?

The above infographic illustrates how much protein you would obtain from 100g of given foods. Take note that you get more “bang for your buck” in terms of protein content vs calories for some sources compared to others!

In order to achieve your body composition goals we know that total energy intake is king. However, whether your chronic energy intake has you in a surplus, deficit, or at maintenance, this is going to influence your appetite hormones and level of desire to eat. Further to this, we know that protein is considered the most satiating macronutrient in comparison to carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, it’s worthwhile being strategic with your dietary selection of protein sources depending on your total energy intake and appetite levels. Doing so will not only assist you in meeting your daily protein and energy requirements, but also finding a balance between feeling satiated yet not overly stuffed!

Another key consideration when it comes to protein intake is the biological value of specific protein source. “HBV” stands for High Biological Value, and refers to the essential amino acid composition of a protein source. There are 20 known amino acids, and nine of these are essential, meaning they must be consumed through the diet as the body is unable to synthesise them. Protein sources that provide all nine essential amino acids in sufficient quantities have a HBV, and are mainly derived from animal products, such as eggs, dairy, and meat. Protein sources that are lacking one or more of the essential amino acids have a “Low Biological Value”, such as grains and vegetables.

If you are vegetarian or vegan you can still consume HBV protein, provided you combine different plant sources. For example, by combining beans (low in methionine, high in lysine) with rice (low in lysine, high in methionine) you can create a “complete protein”. However, take note that you will need to eat a large quantity of these food types to consume 25-30 grams of HBV protein per meal, which could potentially interfere with your daily caloric intake.

Let us know, what are your favourite protein sources?