The Truth About Calories And Weight Loss: It Requires Context

There can be two girls preparing for a bikini competition and losing the same amount of weight per week - however, one is consuming 1400 cal/day, and the other is consuming 1800 cal/day.
It’s human nature to assume that the girl consuming 1800 calories is in a better position during her prep… however this is not necessarily the case.
If both girls are losing the same amount of weight per week, then they are both in the same relatively energy deficit, hence they are both feeling energy deprived.
Remember, to create an energy deficit someone needs to manipulate their energy output and caloric input to a significant enough degree to chronically lose body weight.
In this example, the girl consuming 1400 calories may have a lower bodyweight, a sedentary job, less muscle mass, and perhaps lower training intensity and absolute strength in the gym.
The girl consuming 1800 calories may be the opposite - she could be taller, have an active job, more muscle mass, and perhaps higher training intensity and greater strength in the gym.
Regardless of how many mouthfuls of food they are eating per day…. they are both energy deprived.
Therefore, they likely “feel” the same in terms of hunger cues and energy levels.
Everything requires context, and in the context of a bodybuilding show… everyone is pushing themselves hard if they’ve striving to achieve competitive conditioning.
No one exits a competitive season completely unscathed, and individuals who prep for the stage are guaranteed to “feel” how tough the sport of bodybuilding is.
This is what makes show day so damn rewarding - because physique athletes can bear what other people find unbearable.
Everyone is unique and requires a plan customised to them. If energy levels are scarce then don’t waste them on being concerned with how many calories other people are eating compared to you!
Complaining and comparing will not elicit positive change - it truly is wasted energy, and your energy is precious in prep.

Be strategic and invest your energy into improving yourself and executing your plan accordingly so that your efforts compound into a result worthwhile and you get a solid return on that investment!