The Importance Of Time In Achieving Your Physique Goals

Bodybuilding is not just a sport of immense work ethic and discipline, but also patience.

Understandably, those who are new to the world of physique development are eager to “see” results as quickly as possible… whereas veterans and seasoned competitors understand that good things take time.

Those who have obtained the highest accolades and arguably have the most “impressive physiques” appreciate that embracing delayed gratification is crucial for long-term success.

Developing a resilient mindset and the physique of your dreams will take time, and time is an unchangeable constant outside of our control. Therefore, it’s important to accept that your rate of progress can only be “so fast” regardless of your level of investment.

In saying that, it should be reassuring to know that as physique athletes we are in complete control of how much effort, consistency, and strategy we apply each and every day in the pursuit to achieve our goals.

By dedicating yourself to consistent training, adhering to a disciplined nutrition plan, and applying strategy and intelligence to your protocols, you can guarantee to make the most of the time you have.

Visual progress may come slowly, however every ounce of effort you invest into yourself will eventually lead to a return on investment which will make you feel ridiculously proud of the person you have become in the process.

Trust that patience will pay off, and that the work you apply overtime will compound into personal success in the long-run.

In the meantime, enjoy the journey and make the most of the here and now.

The future self you desire to be is going to be dictated by what you choose to do now in the present.