Save Calories With These Condiment Swaps!

Try to view being conservative with calories similarly to being conservative with money

If you make a large financial purchase, you may need to sacrifice spending in other areas if you want to keep your bank balance in check. However, if you’re strategic and take advantage of “discounts”, you may be able to enjoy (basically) the same product for more than half the “price”! As a result, you can be left feeling satisfied, happy, and not concerned that you need to be scarce spending in other areas of life to achieve your goals.

Don’t get us wrong - sometimes it’s completely worth making the big purchase on the more prestigious, “expensive” item! Although, at other times it’s worth being conservative with your “spending” so you have more for later, and you’re fulfilled with what you “bought” just as equally!

Let us know, what are some of your favourite condiment swaps when it comes to saving calories but not skimping out on flavour?