How To Avoid Boredom With Your Breakfast Meals!

Who else is a creature of habit when it comes to their nutrition? Often we can find ourselves consuming identical meals on a day-to-day basis whether it be due to convenience, taste or poor culinary skill.

This may originate as being well-intentioned, but having variety within your nutritional intake is very beneficial. By having a diverse number of protein, carbohydrate and fat sources throughout the week, it exposes us to a variety of nutrient and fibre types that we would not achieve through chicken, broccoli and white rice alone.

The best part is, it's so simple! Literally just swap out your current food sources for new ones. For example, white rice for cous cous, quinoa or potatoes. Chicken breast for kangaroo mince, turkey breast or heart smart beef mince. Peanut butter for chia seeds, almond butter or cacao nibs.

Let us know in the comments, how do you like to spice up your regular meals to ensure variety?