Phases Of A Physique Athlete

Bodybuilding, similar to many sports, is multi-phasic.

This infographic illustrates that there is more to physique sport than JUST the off season and comp prep. While these two phases are allocated the most time and will heavily dictate a physique athlete’s development, recognise that they are interconnected by two other highly crucial phases. These phases, known as pre-prep and recovery, are considered fundamental for competitors to under-go if they wish to have long-term, successful, sustainable and enjoyable experiences in bodybuilding.

As physique athletes, it’s considered both normal and expected to portray “bodybuilding lifestyle” habits regardless of the given phase. For instance, regularly training in a progressive overload manner, being intentional and strategic with food choices, and purposefully monitoring body composition changes. However, it’s expected that competitors don’t have an “on or off” switch for these habits. Rather, it’s a “dial” that they can increase up or down as they transition between phases.

Manipulating this dial can allow for bodybuilding to truly be a LIFESTYLE. Competitors have the opportunity to reorganise their hierarchy of priorities depending on the phase they’re in, thus allowing them to continuously work toward their long-term goals. For instance, following on from a prep, the dial for socialising and being more flexible with food choices can steadily start to increase throughout the recovery and off-season phase since dieting is no longer the top priority. On the other hand, when achieving a stage-ready physique is the top priority, the dial for following a set routine of training, eating, sleeping and posing needs to be turned up. This often comes at the sacrifice of turning the “flexible dial” down.