How To Get The Most Out Of Your Bodybuilding Off-Season

Contrary to popular belief, the sport of bodybuilding entails more than just “comp prep” and an “off-season”.
While comp prep often steals the show (pardon the pun), this is simply a period of time when a competitor will chronically restrict their energy intake to reveal more details in their physique. However, one could strongly argue that in order for a physique to be IMPRESSIVE and DEVELOPED, then competitors should ensure they are spending more time in a productive improvement season which far exceeds the length of a comp prep.
This is where the improvement season comes into play, which is essential for aspiring physique athletes who want to competitively pursue bodybuilding long-term. As the above infographic infers, the improvement season should realistically be where you “live” the large majority of the time as a competitor. This will allow for the greatest enjoyment, appreciation, and longevity in the sport, and it goes without saying that thriving in this phase is far more sustainable than attempting to live in a comp prep.
You’ll also notice that the improvement season and comp prep are interconnected by two other highly crucial phases. These phases, known as pre-prep and recovery, are fundamental for competitors to ensure they both start and conclude their comp prep seasons in the best position mentally and physically.
Improvement Season: An extended period of 12+ months devoted to muscle accrual and metabolic health. Training performance goals should be set and emphasised throughout, and dieting phases should be implemented scarcely.
Pre-Prep: A 4-8 week block in which body composition is optimised prior to starting comp prep. Necessary habits/routines are established and nutrition is fine-tuned.
Comp Prep: A period of 20+ weeks committed to achieving the standard of conditioning required and minimising muscle loss. Strategic nutrition and a strong mindset are essential, and posing is a critical skill to develop.

Recovery: An invaluable phase of 8-12 weeks in which mental and physical health are prioritised. A mindset shift from prep to the improvement season is established and new goals are set.
Let us know, which phase are you in?