Science-Based Methods To Reduce Hunger When Dieting

Hunger is to dieting what exhaustion is to exercise - inevitable, but rewarding.

If you’re a competitor who is currently in the midst of a comp prep, we strongly encourage you to accept that chronically dieting for a show will inevitably come with uncomfortable consequences.

Bodybuilding is not for the faint hearted, and it comes with the territory of the sport that ALL competitors (amateurs and pros alike) will eventually experience some degree of hunger, low energy, and mental/physical fatigue.

With this, it’s important to steer clear of complaints and denial, and rather “embrace the suck” and manage hunger to the best of your ability.

Remember, competing is both a privilege and a choice. The amount of calories you consume is simply the avenue to stepping on stage with a conditioned physique that you’re proud of. Therefore, remain level-headed and keep your sights on the final outcome - which means remaining goal focused, not food focused.

On that note, swipe through the above slides to read our top-tips and practical recommendations for when it comes to managing hunger during a comp prep.

We would love to know, which strategy has been the biggest game changer for you in making a contest diet more bearable?