Bodybuilding Builds More Than Muscle

From an outside lens it may appear that bodybuilders are exclusively focused on developing their physiques and nothing else. However, for those who are involved in the sport, you would know that building muscle is only one aspect of bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding Can Build:

- Life-long friendships and amazing support networks
- Self-efficacy and self-confidence
- The ability to feel content with making mistakes, and optimistically treating mistakes as learning experiences
- A better understanding of your true mental and physical capabilities
- Resilience, determination, and perseverance
- A love and appreciation for feeling strong, healthy, nourished and energised
- An ability to love the body you’re in at every life phase and size
- A passion for being goal-driven, focused, and committed
- A strong mindset which recognises that it’s about progress not perfection
- The ability to better “connect with”, and “be in-tune” with your body
- A greater understanding of your personality and how you want to express yourself
- Patience, and an appreciation for delayed gratification
- The artistic skills of being able to twist, turn, balance, tense, and showcase your muscles in ways you never thought possible
- An in-depth understanding of nutrition and exercise
- An outstanding work ethic
- An understanding that achieving long-term goals CAN incorporate flexibility
- Admiration and respect for veterans in the sport, because you know how many years and decades of work it took to be who they are
- An understanding that you can be successful without a strict, “all or nothing” mindset
- A personal brand and a platform to be uniquely you
- Open-mindedness and a desire to never stop learning
- Opportunities to network, collaborate, travel, and ask for help
- An understanding that good things take time
- Strong bones, a healthy cardiovascular system, and protection from various lifestyle-related illnesses
- Capabilities and strength in other aspects of life, like moving heavy furniture, rock climbing, and carrying all the shopping bags at once

Now the question is - what have YOU gained from bodybuilding? Let us know in the comments below!