Your Guide To Mini-Cuts - Faster Fat Loss!

Are mini-cuts the new “sexy” way to diet?

While they may sound enticing at face value, there are a variety of factors you need to consider before attempting to embark on a mini-cut.

Swipe through the above slides to understand the what, why, when and how of mini-cuts 👉 Following, you should be able to decide whether implementing one in your own journey is a viable option.

Bear in mind that while mini-cuts can be a rewarding and productive way of efficiently losing body fat, they are challenging, and they are NOT appropriate for everyone. Therefore, if you are not mentally, metabolically, or physically in the position to undertake one, then this is perfectly okay.

Weight loss does not need to be achieved by short and “extreme” methods - you just need to remain consistent with your caloric restriction. Therefore, in this instance aim for a traditional 0.5-1% of your bodyweight lost per week through standard dieting protocols. This is opposed to a mini-cut rate of loss of 1-1.5% BW/week, which is more aggressive as a result of greater caloric restriction.

Let us know, what are you thoughts on implementing mini-cuts as a physique athlete?