Your Guide To Dietary Fat

Fatty acids are essential for hormone production and distribution, insulation, immunity, cognition, cardiovascular health and cell function (every single cell in our body is made from a lipid bilayer – that’s fat!)

Intake: Fat is often the smallest contributor to a diet (in terms of grams) as it is twice as energy dense as carbohydrates and protein. However, 20-35% of calories from a diet should be obtained from fat to support good health, which equates to 44-78 grams of fat per day for an individual consuming 2,000 calories/day. Alternatively, aim to consume 0.5-1.5g/kg of fat per day. Keep in mind that intensity of exercise will also dictate whether fatty acids or carbohydrates are used as a primary fuel source, which can help guide you in determining your dietary fat:carbohydrate ratio on a daily basis.

Quality: It is recommended that you consume dietary fat from a variety of sources to assist with adequate micronutrient intake, dietary diversity, and an appropriate ratio of poly:mono:saturated sources of fat. It is encouraged to prioritise poly and monounsaturated sources of fat over saturated sources, which will be obtained from mainly plants and oily fish compared to fatty cuts of meat and butter respectively. Keep in mind it is also recommended to limit saturated fat intake to <10% of total daily energy intake, which would be ~22g for an individual consuming 2,000 cal/day.

Distribution: It is recommended that you distribute fat intake fairly evenly across main meals (~20-30% of daily fat intake/meal) to assist with satiation, sustained energy levels, rate of gastric emptying and fat-soluble vitamin absorption. Many vitamins that we obtain in our diet (mainly from fruits and vegetables) are fat soluble, meaning they can only be absorbed in the presence of fat. Therefore, adding nutritious fat sources to your salad such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, cheese and/or nuts can majorly assist the absorption of vitamin A, D, E, and K. If speed of digestion is a priority pre- or post-exercise, consider lowering your fat intake to 10-15% of total intake within this meal.

What are your favourite sources of dietary fat?