Nail The Basics BEFORE You Compete

It doesn’t need to be sink or swim.

At first glance competing in bodybuilding can seem incredibly enticing, and it’s understandable that some people want to dive right into a prep! However, it’s important to recognise that those who experience the greatest long-term success and enjoyment in this sport have spent many years prior learning, practicing, and refining the art of training and sports nutrition. They have developed the skills, routines, habits, and mindset attributes associated with being a great bodybuilder.

There are many factors to consider before entering a comp prep, and we highly recommend that you tick these boxes below well-before you think about booking your stage tan.

▪️You are working alongside an experienced, evidence-based coach who will support, guide, and educate you throughout the entire journey while keeping your health in check
▪️You are not competing for external validation. You are competing for YOU.
▪️ You have a minimum of 12 months of consistent resistance training under your belt and have allocated sufficient time to building your physique
▪️ You understand the principles of progressive overload and know how to train with intelligence and intensity
▪️ You have experienced a dieting phase before and have demonstrated adherence and discipline while maintaining a healthy relationship with food and your body before, during and after
▪️ You have a solid understanding of nutrient quality and know how to calculate the energy density and macronutrients of various foods
▪️ You are financially capable of supporting yourself through a competition prep
▪️ You have a good support network of family, coaches, friends
▪️ You’ve been taught how to pose with confidence and skill
▪️ You have ingrained yourself with the habits of the bodybuilding lifestyle and routinely train, nourish yourself, obtain adequate sleep, and look after your health
▪️ You have been well-informed of what to expect and endure during a competition prep, both mentally and physically

Stepping on stage is an experience like no other, but be patient and don’t race toward the finish line. Good things take time.