How To Plan A Full Day Of Eating


Given how much information there is regarding nutrition on the internet, knowing what, when, and how much to eat each day can be very confusing. Therefore, we’ve done our best to simplify things for you by creating this FDOE framework!

These recommendations are based on a combination of the Australian Dietary Guidelines, basic sports nutrition guidelines, and chrononutrition. As a result, this framework aims to tick quite a few boxes including:

- Consume a sufficient quantity and variety of fruits and vegetables
- Satisfy calcium, iron, and omega 3 requirements
- Consume a variety of wholegrains throughout the day
- Evenly distribute protein throughout the day through HBV sources
- Consume well-balanced meals throughout the day to sustain energy levels
- Consume dietary fats alongside fruits and vegetables to assist with fat soluble vitamin absorption
- Consume a variety of fibre types throughout the day
- Slightly bias energy intake toward your first three meals, to fuel the day and support exercise performance
- Stay well hydrated
- Conclude fluid and food consumption ~2 hours prior to bed to aid quality of sleep
- Consume meals at regular time points, and eat within a ~12 hour window to promote digestion and overall health

Bear in mind that this is just an example framework, and by no means are we instructing others to eat in this specific manner. If there are certain food groups that you cannot or choose not to consume (for example dairy), that’s okay! The main thing is that you identify the key nutrient/s these foods provide (for example calcium) and ensure you are meeting your requirements through alternative foods and/or strategies.

Let us know, how do these recommendations align with your daily dietary habits?
