How To Find Your "Sweet Spot"

Have you ever heard someone say “less is more”? In many circumstances, doing ‘less’ can result in a more optimal outcome. That being said, it’s important to find that sweet spot between ‘too little’ and ‘too much’.

This relationship between dose and response has been applied to many models, such as training volume and intensity. A large amount of volume combined with a high intensity is likely to cause excessive fatigue and injury. However, low volume and low intensity will potentially result in an inadequate stimulus. Finding that sweet spot, which can be a moving target, is the way to go!

This relationship can be applied to so many other concepts, such as hormesis. Hormesis is basically the response of a biological system to a substance or condition. Let’s take nutrition for example. An excessive energy deficit for a prolonged period will eventually lead to malnutrition. Contrastingly, too much food will cause overnutrition. We can see the same trend for vitamins and minerals. For example, an insufficient intake of vitamin A can cause night blindness. On the other hand, vitamin A toxicity (too much), can result in liver damage.

Becoming stuck within the cycle of doing more for the sake of doing more, can be a difficult place to be. At times it’s important to take a step back and assess your current situation.

What can you do to achieve that sweet spot?