High Protein Breakfast Ideas

Some would say that a good day starts with a good, HIGH-PROTEIN breakfast!

Listed above are three examples of easy-to-prepare, high-protein breakfast ideas that satisfy several nutrition fundamentals, including:

1.) PROTEIN. Protein is integrated into our muscles, bones, skin, hair, nails, organs and blood (just to name a few). To maintain optimum health for these structures it is recommended that we consume at least 25-40 grams of protein across 4-5 meals during the day, starting with BREAKFAST! Consuming protein from a combination of eggs, dairy sources, and the like can help to avoid tissue catabolism (breakdown), prime you for exercise, help you recover, and keep you satiated between meals.

2.) CARBOHYDRATES. Including a carbohydrate source at breakfast can help to replenish liver glycogen (which is often depleted during an overnight fast when we sleep). Glucose in carbohydrates is the primary fuel source for every cell in our body, and the only fuel source for the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Hence, carbohydrates at breakfast time will provide you with more ENERGY. Choosing a wholegrain source (e.g oats, wholemeal bread or flour, weetbix, buckwheat) and/or fruit can be advantageous, as the fibre within these can help to sustain blood glucose levels within an optimal range to provide long-lasting energy, keep us satiated, and contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

3.) FATS. Consuming one or more dietary fat sources at breakfast can assist with absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and helps to slow down digestion, resulting in increased satiety and sustained energy levels. A few nutritious sources include avocado, nuts and seeds, cheese, eggs, olives and the like.

4.) DAIRY. If you can tolerate lactose, including a cup of milk, high-protein yogurt or cheese can provide protein, nutritious fats and CALCIUM! Adults are recommended to consume ~1000mg of calcium/day, which equates to ~3 cups of milk or equivalent servings of dairy, so consuming a source at breakfast time can help you meet your requirements!

Let us know, do you notice a difference in your daily energy levels when you start the day off with a high-protein breakfast?