Comparing Australia's Cheapest & Highest Protein Powders

We are spoilt for choice when it comes to protein powder supplements, particularly WPI. However, with so many choices, there are many factors which can influence your decision to make a purchase:

▪️Grams of protein per serving
▪️Flavour & texture
▪️Ingredient list & overall quality
▪️Delivery time & accessability
▪️Brand name

Listed above are twelve popular WPI products available for Australian consumers. Unbiasedly we have listed them to compare protein content and price per 30g serving. Brands are listed based on protein per 30g serve from highest to lowest.

Nutritionally speaking, each one of these products are sound and contain over 20g of HBV protein per serving. Therefore, they would all provide >2g of leucine and a complete amino acid profile, which is sufficient to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and thus support training and recovery demands. However, as you can infer from this graphic, total protein content is not directly correlated with price…

Let us know, what’s your favourite WPI purchase and why?

*Price is listed per 30g serve and has been calculated using 1kg purchase amounts from supplement retailers or online stores.