Characteristics Of A Bodybuilder

The sport of bodybuilding encompasses SO much more than just training and nutrition!

Community: Make friends for life and discover YOUR people! This could mean training with a workout partner, attending posing workshops and shows, following and supporting other competitor’s journeys on social media and the like!

Passion: Focus less on the outcome of shiny trophies and fall in love with the day-to-day process. Embrace every phase of your journey and show gratitude for the way this lifestyle makes you feel!

Education: Invest in yourself! There is no limit to how much you can learn about the human body, human psychology, training, nutrition, posing, competing and the like! For example, work with a coach, tune into an array of podcasts, read books, subscribe to members sites, study courses, follow coaches, competitors, and other educational influencers on social media.

Mindset + Habits: the sport of bodybuilding can help you build so many different characteristic traits, which can enhance other areas of life! For example, create daily routines which improve your productivity, focus, and keep you energised. Also, this sport helps you gain an appreciation for delayed gratification, relentless work ethic, persistence, discipline, and staying open-minded with a positive attitude.

Goal Setting: there’s more to achieve than JUST stepping on stage! Set short and long-term goals related to what you want to achieve with your body and mind during your time away from the stage.

Posing: you work so hard to build and nourish your body, so learn how to position your physique to showcase that hard work! Invest in a posing coach, attend workshops, and follow others online to learn different moves! Also, don’t limit yourself to only learning one category - become exposed to other styles of posing to broaden your skills!

Let us know, how has bodybuilding impacted your life?