Calorie-Savings Food Swaps


One of the main barriers that stop individuals from exiting the pre-contemplation phase of committing to a caloric deficit is the assumption that certain food sources need to be eliminated. There’s no doubt that we would be hesitant of changing our dietary habits too if it meant eating plain, sauce-less pasta and empty bowls of cereal! However, the good news is that you don’t need to STOP eating (believe it or not calories are essential!), however you can make a few simple SWAPS to your diet which will keep you satiated AND stay within your energy budget!

Above are just a few examples of simple swaps you could make for commonly consumed foods, with the lower-calorie alternative providing the same (if not more) food volume and substantially less total energy. There are plenty of other examples like this, particularly for items like dips, yogurt, meat, granola bars etc.

It’s important to recognize however that this post could easily be interpreted in reverse for individuals with high energy requirements. For example, if someone is struggling to maintain or gain weight then it would be strategic to consume products that are higher in energy per gram, particularly if appetite is low!

Let us know, what are some of your favourite food “SWAPS” that have allowed you to not “STOP”?