Are You Taking An Improvement Season Or An Off-Season?

This is not a time you want to be taking “off”.

During prolonged periods away from the stage it can be easy to become complacent and think that “there’s still so much time”. However, the reality is this is where the vast majority of changes are made to your physique.

The act itself of being in the “off-season” does not guarantee results - taking full advantage of this time and putting in the work does! Ask yourself, are you actively making an effort to further enhance the physique you last presented on stage, or just going through the motions?

Let’s pick some examples:
▪️ Are you training with sufficient intensity and accuracy?
▪️ Are you biasing weaker muscle groups in your physique and optimising movement execution?
▪️ Do you sleep for a minimum of 7 hours per night?
▪️ Are you prioritising protein quality, distribution and quantity?
▪️ Are you fuelling with sufficient energy and gaining weight at an appropriate rate?
▪️ How are your day-to-day stress levels?
▪️ Are you practicing the habits, routines and lifestyle of a bodybuilder?
▪️ Do you have a vision of what you want to look like and how you want to present yourself next season?

It goes without saying that not all of these variables will be achievable for everyone. Make the most of your individual circumstances because ultimately your output/results will reflect your input 🤜🤛

If you want to WIN then you need to dedicate the time to putting in the WORK.