Are Bodybuilders Crazy?

We’re a unique breed that’s for sure

In all seriousness though, if you ask any passionate bodybuilder to elaborate on their “why”, they’re highly likely to explain that living this lifestyle isn’t solely for the purpose of building muscle mass.

The sport of bodybuilding brings people together to form friendships, be active and feel strong, uplift, support, and inspire one another, and celebrate victories after years of hard work. This sport encourages people to become more in-tune with their bodies and increase their knowledge and awareness of the positive impacts nutrition and resistance training can have on their health and longevity. This sport gives people the opportunity to feel accomplished and experience an endorphin rush every day. This sport builds strong characteristic traits which can translate into enhancing multiple areas of life, including patience, discipline, work ethic and persistence. This sport provides an opportunity to set short and long-term goals, which can keep you driven day-to-day. This sport encourages creating daily routines and habits which can improve health, productivity, and build a positive mindset of gratitude, self-confidence and self-belief.

It’s safe to say that engaging in bodybuilding will enhance far more than just your physique - it will enhance you quality of life!

Let us know, what is your “why” as a bodybuilder?